Author | Consultant


• Keine Lust auf Frust, Fischer, 1999
• Vivamos con buenas ondas, Editorial Diana, 2001

• Konfliktmanagement für Betriebs- und Personalräte, Turnus, 2000
• Fürs Leben erziehen, Raabe, 2002
• Konflikte positiv lösen, Praxishilfen für Lehrer/innen, Weka, 2005
• Warum der Empowerment-Ressourcenansatz eine Alternative ist, Grin Verlag 2010
• Lernprozesse und Devianz bei jugendlichen Straftätern, Grin Verlag, 2010
• Opfer Mann? Männer im Spannungsfeld von Täter und Opfer, Tectum, 2012
• Selbstbewusste Kinder: Faires Miteinander, Raabe, 2013

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Author’s comments

It is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with students in public schools nowadays because they lack such social skills as self-control, respect and a basic understanding of rules. Problematic behavior leads to learning disabilities and also poisons the scholastic environment. Teaching social skills has become indispensable in schools.

The “Selbstbewusste Kinder – Faires Miteinander” program employs discussions and role plays to teach children to build good relations with each other, to listen to each other, to assert themselves, to express their feelings and to deal fairly with each other. Children learn constructive behavior, gain self esteem and confidence. The environment for learning improves, thereby facilitating a teacher’s task.


• Projektbeispiele guter Praxis zum Thema: Gewalt unter Gefangenen und Gewaltprävention, Forum Strafvollzug, Heft 2, März/April 2013
• Doing masculinity im Männerstrafvollzug: Hintergründe, Folgen, Chancen!, Forum Strafvollzug, Heft 5, Sept./Okt. 2014

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Author’s comments

Despite their privileges, men are susceptible to violence or to becoming the victims of violence, to suicide, loneliness and low life expectancy. Nevertheless, discussions of aggression and violence overshadow discussions of how men can also be victims of violence. It is no secret that the option of male violence has not disappeared from modern societies. Males, young and old, figure prominently among both the perpetrators and victims of violent crimes.

I examine the risk of a male perpetrating or becoming the victim of crime based on modeling, criminological theory, neuro-psychiatric approaches and socio-psychological research. I also develop practical approaches to prevention.

• Ressourcenorientiertes Soziales Training (RST), Tutzing, 2005
• Bildungsprogramme für Toleranz und gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Power for Peace e.V., München, 2009, 2010, 2011