Personal development
Heroes are ordinary people who, with the help of fortitude, endurance and perseverance, manage to find their way out of hopeless situations.
(frei nach Viktor E. Frankl)
“There’s something that you can’t take from me. The freedom to react to whatever you do to me”.
(Viktor E. Frankl)
It’s worth investing in personal development because…
Personal development enhances our creativity and our joie de vivre. We can learn, step by step, how to deal with difficult situations, reduce frustration and adopt a new approach. We can flee the (mental) prison that is preventing us from enjoying life, from appreciating every moment. We can gradually become more serene, consistent, relaxed.
We can further our personal development by reading books, attending seminars, lectures and courses, enrolling in college, carrying on conversations with others, traveling, learning about other cultures or enlisting the aid of professional advisers. Most importantly though, we can experience things for ourselves and learn to take risks.
• Constant change
• Facing life with courage/bucking headwinds
• Keeping busy
• Maintaining good relationships
• Learning to let go of relationships that do not work out